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World Rhino Day!

September 22nd, 2016, by Sherwin Banda

World Rhino Day 2016

Today we celebrate World Rhino Day! As one of the most famous members of "The Big Five" we know exactly how important they are to locals & visitors alike. However, the sad statistic is that 95% of the world’s rhino population has been wiped out in the last four decades.


Here at African Travel, we know that protecting and conserving the environment and wildlife of Africa is one of the biggest missions and challenges facing the industry today. We are very proud to collaborate and contribute to help ensure that the communities and environments we visit remain vibrant for generations to come.


African Travel, Inc in partnership with the TreadRight Foundation, encourages the sustainable development of tourism by supporting programs that benefit the environment, heritage and community. To date, the foundation has supported more than 35 sustainable tourism projects worldwide.  One of Treadright projects is a partnership with WildAid to promote the campaign, “When The Buying Stops, The Killing Can Too”. TreadRight has also worked closely with the Wilderness Foundation in Africa, who work with various conservations in Africa to help in the fight to protect the rhino. Protecting Africa’s wildlife is at the heart of what we do!

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